About The Alfurqan
About The Alfurqan Center?

AlfurqanCenter.com is one of the registered organization which has been performing their duties for 12 years.
This organization has also been registered for England, America, and Saudi Arab with many well financial companies as according to international laws, rules and regulation in Pakistan. Organization has been working on poetic education and their upbringing for Muslim community. We have well experienced Quran tutor as an asset.
Another well reputed Quality which we are having is Darul Quran has got registered as international institution OAPP (Online Academics Association of Pakistan).
Why You Should Join Us

AlfurqanCenter.com is one of the registered organization which has been performing their duties for 12 years.
This organization has also been registered for England, America, and Saudi Arab with many well financial companies as according to international laws, rules and regulation in Pakistan. Organization has been working on poetic education and their upbringing for Muslim community. We have well experienced Quran tutor as an asset.
Another well reputed Quality which we are having is Darul Quran has got registered as international institution OAPP (Online Academics Association of Pakistan).

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Quran Class keeps the privacy of both students and teachers. All personal information is considered secret information that no one has the right to know, copy nor use it in any way.
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